"Dreams are great but making those dreams a reality is everything" - Author Unknown
All of us dream, we dream about tomorrow, an ideal outcome for a relationship or what we want to attempt in our careers. For most people, these dreams end with the realisation that our dreams may never see the light of day. We get up and go about our business of being in the 'real world', stuck in the reality of the mundane.
I want to tell you that it does not have to be like that. You do not have to give up on your dreams or goals because others do. You do not have to settle for the norm of aspiring but never accomplishing. And while I am not condoning drastic irresponsible behaviour that leads to people selling everything and sailing around the world. I am telling you that when you give that sailing around the world dream some structure and intentionality you can start the journey towards realising your big dream.
In this post, I want to share 2 building blocks that will change your way of life and get you closer to realising your dreams.
a. Live intentional:
Dr. Stephen Covey the writer of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People emphasizes being proactive as one of the common traits of effective people. The reason for this I believe is because you will either shape your environment or your environment will shape you. If you are not intentionally living, growing who you are, you will become the product of other people's intentional living.
Practical step
Take time to answer this question and write your answers down:
How can I be more intentional in my relationships, personal growth, and career?
b. Take a step:
For most people, a fear of commitment leaves them paralysed and ineffective. This fear comes from a deep sense of wanting to keep your options open. Studies have however shown that happiness and peace are cultivated when there are commitment and purpose. Think about this statement for a moment, when we choose everything we end up with nothing. The trick, however, is not to commit to the end product of your dream but rather the journey of getting there. Make small commitments every day to doing something that will bring you closer to your ultimate goal.
Practical step:
Think of three actions that will get you started on your journey to realising your dream.
Next, choose one of those actions and commit to completing that action before you consider the next step.
I remember looking at some of my close relatives and realising, "man this is my gene pool, if I do not take care of my body I will..." to be gracious I will not share the rest of my thoughts. This realisation led me thinking of my lifestyle and how much I was exercising and how healthy I was eating, and then in that moment of reflection I started dreaming of what I would look like and feel like if I were fit. Different fitness celebrities went through my mind and I dreamt of being able to compare to them. If I would have stopped there, got up and continue with my day, it would not have been worth telling you this story, but I didn't, I got up and applied the above steps and today, some years after that initial moment, I have a healthy lifestyle and workout almost every day, enjoying it, most days. I am sharing this with you because although in some respects being fit and working out on a regular basis may not be an earth shattering dream, it is a realisation of a dream, and the fuel to take on more dreams in the future. Be the daring exception to the rule and make your dreams a practical reality. The two steps mentioned in this blog post will get your journey on its way,
if you are willing to take the first step.
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