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Writer's pictureivan venter

Beat blind spots with a growth mindset

Updated: Jul 5, 2023

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In this post, you will:

  • Discover the effects of blind spots on growth.

  • How a growth mindset can overcome blind spots.

  • Strategies to become more growth orientated.

In the previous post, Overcome blind spots by Self-awareness, we started to discuss blind spots and how to overcome them.

In this post, we will further explore another strategy to overcome blind spots. We will explore adopting a growth mindset which will increase your overall mood and open more opportunities in your life and leadership. Karen Blakeley in her book Leadership Blind Spots and What To Do About Them, refer to blind spots as an area in our lives that we don’t deal with, which has the cause on effect of limited or stunted growth.

According to Blakeley, this stunted growth affects our relevancy in the marketplace.

Blakeley reports on studies that have shown that some managers have not updated their skill sets and the material they use in over ten years. If you link this to recent studies by the World Economic Forum that state that “six in 10 workers will require training before 2027…” and that “on average, 44% of an individual worker’s skills will need to be updated,” to stay relevant within the next five years.

It is safe to say that it is imperative to develop a growth mindset to stay relevant and thriving.

Adopting a Growth mindset

Our mindset determines much of our capability to see and even take on new opportunities.

A growth mindset will free us up to explore and give opportunities a chance all while updating our skills and overcoming blind spots.

The main difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset is the way we view the world. The fixed mindset will accept situations like they are, “because that is just the way it is.” While the growth mindset will say, “what do I need to learn to change the situation.”

The good news is that a growth mindset can be taught.

Coach U - Help yourself by helping others.

A big influencer of a growth mindset can be found in the way you talk with yourself. Your self-talk will either propel you forward to explore and take on the challenge of life or it will keep you stuck in limiting beliefs that mask some of our blind spots.

A useful strategy to change your self-talk is to encourage and affirm the growth in others.

Someone once stated that you become what you focus your attention on.

If you give attention to the growth of others, you will inadvertently become more aware of your own growth and opportunities.
  • Look for opportunities to encourage others to explore growth and goals.

  • Affirm the progress others are making with their goals.

By being intentional to celebrate growth in others you will notice your self-talk slowly but surely be activated to focus on growth.

Challenge yourself to affirm and encourage one person in your life in their growth.

Want more coaching, why not consider 1on1 or group coaching? For more information be sure to contact us.

Disclaimer Policy: All True-Potential publications are written to assist with growth and discovery, the content of this publication should be used according to our disclaimer policy. Please refer to our disclaimer policy for more information.

© 2023 Ivan Venter, All Rights Reserved.

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